St. Louis Campground
8489 North Bagley Road
St. Louis, MI 48880
(989) 681-2581
Campground Policies
All recreational vehicles, campers and tents, along with anyone staying in a cottage, cabin, dorm or other residence on the campground must register before camping.
Information and mail service will be handled at the Registration building.
Motorcycles, bicycles, mopeds, cars, trucks, golf carts, and all motorized vehicles shall be restricted to roadways and driven at a maximum speed of 5 mph.
Designated handicap areas for parking are to be observed and obeyed.
Only one vehicle may be parked at any campsite at any time. There are designated parking areas for all other vehicles.
Bicycles, tricycles, unicycles, skateboards, and longboards may only be ridden on camp roadways and must obey all posted signs and speed limits on the grounds. These 'vehicles' are not allowed on sidewalks or in children's area or the prayer garden.
Golf carts and ATVs must be registered before being used on the campground. They must be insured and have paperwork to prove such insurance at the time of registration.
All pets must be registered at the Registration office when checking in.
Pets must be up to date on all current State-regulated vaccinations, and must have tags showing such.
No campsite shall have more than 2 pets at any time.
All pets must be on a maximum 6' leash when outside.
All pets must be kept inside the trailer when there are no occupants at the campsite.
Owners must clean up after their own pets.
If there is excessive noise or aggressive behavior shown by any pet, the St. Louis Campground managers have the right to ask the owner to remove their pet from the premises immediately.
The use of tobacco, vapor products or nicotine vaporizers, alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs is strictly forbidden on campground property.
No unauthorized sales of merchandise on the grounds is allowed.
Any property defaced or destroyed will be charged to those doing same and/or their chaperone.
Lawlessness must be reported to the camp management or to the officer on the grounds.
Quiet time is 11:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.
The campgrounds shall be locked and secured between midnight and 8:00 a.m. For entrance/exit of the grounds during this time, please make prior arrangements with the managers by visiting the registration office or by calling (989) 681-2581.
The RV dump station may be used free of charge by registered campers only. Non-registered campers will be charged a fee of $15 per use of the dump station.